
Publié le par Fred & Alison

Titre original : Friends

Genre : comédie

10 Saisons - 237 épisodes - Arrêtée en 2004 - Crée en 1994

Origine : Usa - Format : 22 mn

Crée par : David Crane, Marta Kauffman

Avec : Jennifer Aniston, Couteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer

Synopsis : Le quotidien de 6 amis. Leurs amours, leurs travails, leurs peines et leurs joies...


Notre avis : Friends s'est arrêté en 2004 pour devenir définitivement une série mythique, intemporelle. A coup sûr, Friends traversera les époques !

Des acteurs éblouissants, des situations plus loufoques les unes que les autres, des répliques cultes, des scènes inoubliables, du charme... et chaque épisode vous procurera forcémment une crise de rires !!

Qui ne s'est jamais identifié à l'un des personnages ? Qui n'a jamais vécu une situation semblable à celle décrite dans tel ou tel épisode ? Qui n'a jamais pleuré de rire devant les péripéties des 6 amis ? 

Un bijou à voir et à revoir...


Répliques cultes :

Phoebe: Chandler still thinks I'm pregnant and he hasn't asked me how I'm feeling or offered to carry my bags. I feel bad for the woman who ends up with him.


Phoebe: [Après avoir chanté une chanson au café] If you want to receive e-mails about my upcoming shows, then please give me money so I can buy a computer.


Monica: Also, just so you know, I'm not making a turkey this year.
Joey: What?
Monica: Well, Phoebe doesn't eat turkey...
Joey: Phoebe.
Phoebe: Turkeys are beautiful, intelligent animals.
Joey: No, they're not. They're ugly and stupid and delicious.  


Joey: [Joey pense que Phoebe est une actrice porno] A guy in the coffee shop told me he was a fan of Phoebe's. I thought he was talking about her singing, but he claims she is a porn star. So, I went to the adult video store and picked this up.
Ross: [il prend la vidéo] Let me see that. 'Buffay, the Vampire Layer' starring Phoebe Buffay. All right, let's check it out!
Joey: Guys, Phoebe is out friend. I refuse to watch this.
[goes over and sits at the table with his back to the TV]
Ross: Wow! I didn't know Pheebs had that particular talent.
Rachel: Wait a minute; Phoebe doesn't have a tattoo on her ankle! My God, that's Ursula!
Joey: [saute par dessus la table] Ursula! Allr ight! Run it back! Run it back!
Ross: Boy, Phoebe is going to be pissed. Why is Ursula using Phoebe's name?
Phoebe: [entre dans l'appartement] Hi everybody, what are you -
[hurle et pointe la télé du doigt]
Phoebe: Ahhhhhhh! What am I doing?


Phoebe: [Phoebe regarde un appartement, de l'autre côté de la rue] Look, Rachel, you can see into your apartment. What's going on? What are Chandler and Monica doing?
Rachel: I don't know.
Phoebe: My, God! They're taking their clothes off! Oh, my God, they're having sex! Chandler naked! My eyes, my eyes! I can't see! I'm blind!


Ross: Oh, really? Well, I guess Monica should know about Atlantic City.
Chandler: Du-ude!
Monica: What happened in Atlantic City?
Ross: Well, Chandler and I are in a bar...
Chandler: Did you not hear me say, "Du-ude"?
Ross: ...and this girl is making eyes at Chandler, okay? So after a while he just goes over to her and, uh, after a minute or two, I see them kissing. Now, I know what you're thinking. Chandler's not the type of guy who just goes to bars and makes out with girls. And you're right. Chandler's not the type of guy just goes to bars and makes out with girls.
Monica: You kissed a guy? Oh my God.
Chandler: In my defense, it was dark and he was a very pretty guy.


Phoebe: They don't know that we know they know we know.

Joey: Did you sleep with her?
Chandler: No, we just kissed.
Joey: That's even worse.
Chandler: How is that worse?
Joey: I don't know, but it's the same.


Monica: Rach, it's the Visa card people.
Rachel: Oh, God, ask them what they want.
Monica: [au téléphone] Could you please tell me what this is in reference to? Yes, hold on.
[à Rachel]
Monica: Um, they say there's been some unusual activity on your account.
Rachel: But I haven't used my card in weeks.
Monica: That is the unusual activity.


Reporter: I like that. what's your name?
[enregistre la réponse de Phoebe]
Phoebe: Pheobe. That's, P, as in Phoebe, H, as in heobe, O as in oebe, E, as in ebe, B, as in bebe, and E as in... Ello there mate.


Ross: I think it'll be a boy.
Phoebe: I think it'll be a girl.
Ross: Phoebe, you thought Ben would be a girl.
Phoebe: Have you seen him throw a ball?


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